i know

i know… I said I was back and I’ve been gone just as long as the time’s’ before. This is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to start this until I was fully ready to make the commitment. But even then… I have no regrets. I do wish and even hope that one day I will be able to fully commit to the time that is needed to redeem and even accelerate the dynamics of this here blog. But till then… your stuck wit me… this… the uncertainty of what it means to be BeautifullyODD.

As some of you may know… a lot of things have happened, as always, and I decided to go back to school after a long conversation with a good friend. Though I felt that art school was not a possible option for myself… I decided to go back to community college to obtain my Graphic Design and Illustration degree at Sierra College. And let me tell you… I have learned so much within the past three weeks, than I will have ever learned in attending an “Ivy League Art School” for the price of free99. (it has cost and i will get to that) but in the end the cost of me attending this school compared to an “expensive” art school… where I would have to repay 80grand+ back in school loans is incomparable.

I do want to make one thing clear… as inconsistent as this blog has been, as inconsistent as I have been in trying to pull everything together… the opportunity I have now and the ability to learn as much as I have and will (considering this is only my first semester back in school after graduating in photo. and it only being the third or so week in school) has allowed me to take my dreams to a whole notha level. I feel as if the knowledge alone, will not only give me the potential to grow and follow my dreams, but actually allow me to make something substantial.

As I stated earlier… there is cost. But as my cousin said… “I’m on a budget… its a recession” and I just cannot except the idea of spending HELLA money on going to an art school when I can be investing that same money in my ideas, my hopes and dreams. Yes, you have to invest in yourself… and I believe that is what I am doing. But I ain’t rich. Are you going to pay for my schooling? I didn’t think so. So… I feel as I have made the best alternative decision possible and I am so excited about the little adventure I am taking.

Which brings me to the next big thing… and I probably shouldn’t comment to much on it because I am a conspirator… I have come across some money that will allow me to breathe again and continue to invest in my art and dreams. I would and if I could even explain the dynamics of my hopes, my ideas… but I feel so secretive with them… theIr Golden. And though my ideas or hopes may not stand out amongst the millions of other artist influencing our world… I’m one more… hopefully one that can and will find her voice… and be able to influence the nation.

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