Making Plans

The quote that immediately comes to mind is, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”

Well I’ve got a lot of plans. Ideas too. There are tons of things I want to do and accomplish and this is the year I want to make it happen. I guess I’m so eager because I spent the last two years flaying about quite aimlessly and barely made it out alive (exaggerating).

So this year I am determined to take action and to create habitually. Which inspired me before the year was over to sit down and choose a few projects to work on and determine how and what it would take to achieve these goals.

It wasn’t just the how but when? How am I going to dedicate the time to achieve these goals? As the new year ticks away, I am more than anxious to get to work. I have a few last-minute things to clear up by this weekend and it will be time to get to work.

But as I finish up around the house, resetting my office area, cleaning, folding laundry and purging, I can’t help but feel anxious. I wonder, are my plans inline with God. I have this tendency to be the “Jill” of all trades, which means I love to dabble and enjoy all aspects of creativity. But as I sit down to make these plans I wonder if they are achievable. The last thing I want to do is set myself up to fail.

And that is why I have to remember to take time to breathe and enjoy the moment, to be present in the here and now. To ask myself, what is it that I can do now. I may not be able to plan out the whole year and I don’t want to; Where is the spontaneity in that. But I do want to hold my self accountable and be mindful as I pursue my projects.

Lisa Nichols has this saying that success doesn’t happen over night, that it’s a bunch of tiny pin hole efforts that add up. So if God willing, with his guidance and hard work… I can have hope that it’s all possible.

20170105_212120  A pic of the planner I purchased… exhale… I am following my excitement, as Elizabeth Gilbert says to do and I trust her opinion. I was intimidated, hence the article, but I’m eager and full of hope, determined and scared. Silly, I know… Planners are effective tools and I’m hoping it will not only hold me accountable but help me organize and achieve my goals!

I found the map!

So… as you all know… My ship has sailed. Now the ship almost sank but I fixed the leak and then I had to have my doubt and fear walk the plank. But though the ship left the harbor… and I knew where it was going… I didn’t have the map to get there. I misplaced it when I came aboard.

But now that I have found the map… I’ve come to realize a few things…

1. A plan: I was listening to Joel Osteen the other day and he was saying you gotta to have a plan. Goals with out plans become ineffective. We have to make an effort in order to get to the finish line. “If you come up with a plan, God will direct your steps.” So, with that said I have been working on a schedule that will help me not only stay focused but meet my short term goals. And as Twyla Tharp says… us creative people have to form habitual habits in order to stay committed to the dream. (something like that)

2. Sometimes I feel like shit and I don’t want to do anything… but Joyce Myer said that if you start doing what you know is right then your feelings will catch up with it. I believe it. When we feel like we can’t, or that we don’t wish to continue pushing on… we tend to want to give up… but there is that little needle in the haystack that says… get up! We have to not ignore it and find the strength to persevere.

3. My determination: well… I knew I had to graduate with my AA in photography. I couldn’t walk away from it. But, now that I’m not going to school… what is going to motivate me? I don’t have a professor telling me what to do, I don’t have my conscious telling me that I have to pass this class so that I can achieve step 1, 2 & 3. I want to start a business. I am not committed to attend class, I am not obligated to write a research paper. But I am determined to achieve my goal. So… by implementing a plan I am now obligated… and though I have to be completely accountable for my actions… my dream is still there. It has not died because I’m not attending school.

4. Life… however hard is so very beautifullyODD. People are swarming around sayin the world is going to end this date and this date. But I believe that life is beautiful… I believe that the human race has hope… I believe that God… hears me… and because of that… I am going to give it my best till the end of time…
“you gotta dance like nobody’s watchin, dream like you will live forever, live like you’re going to die tomorrow and love like it’s never going to hurt.” ~Meme Grifsters

In the end… this is the beginning of my wildest dreams. There is much to do. More than I can even begin to comprehend. And I am more than willing to fight for it.

So whats first… (exhale) I have projects to finish… one day at a time.. things to learn… one day at a time… and hope that is never dying.

much love to you all… chase your dreams… AND NEVER, GIVE UP!

so beautifullyODD